Friday, February 15, 2013

How to Shop at a Thrift Store: Shopping for Clothes

Hey everyone!
Here's the next installment in my 4-part series of "How to Shop at a Thrift Store"! If you need to, refer back to my first post "The Basics" for a recap. Enjoy!

Once you get past pieces like this, there's a lot of treasure.
Picture this scenario. You step into the thrift store. You look at the abundance of racks, and think to yourself, "How am I ever going to get through all this JUNK?" There's always a plethora of pilled sweaters, old t-shirts, and "mom jeans". But there's also a lot of treasure. You just have to know how to find it.
One of my favorite finds, a pink corduroy jacket.
First thing. Dive in!! I find the tops/shirts more interesting so I always start with that section. Obviously, find your size and start combing the racks. Look at each piece with a "fresh eye." Sometimes pieces look WAY different on the hanger than they do actually on YOU. If you like the pattern or fabric, try it on, you might be surprised! Also, accessories make the outfit, but that's a whole other post! ;) 
A really cute plaid skirt.
So now you found something cool! Awesome! Think about these 3 key points before you buy.
1) A really big thing is condition. What condition is it in? Look really closely, if it's pilled, stained, or torn, it's probably not that great of a deal. I'd pass.
2) Do you like it? This is a really obvious question, but it's still worth asking. If you don't love it in the store, you won't wear it when you get it home. Don't just buy something for the sake of buying, buy it because you like it and will wear it.
3) Does it fit? That's another obvious question. If you like it, but it's too big/small, you probably won't wear it.

I found this top not that long ago. I wear it all the time, it's even from Aeropostale!
For all our crafting readers out there, you have a whole other spectrum of things to think about! Keep your eyes out for potential "refashions!" Maybe you'll find a skirt with a really cool pattern that's just a little long for your taste. You can always hem it a little higher! That's part of the fun! Finding something and giving it a new life!

Look at this cardigan! Adorable!
To be honest, there's really no right or wrong way to shop for clothes. These were just some tips that I've figured out along the way. This week, take some initiative and go thrift shopping of your own! Thrift stores, yard sales, consignment sales, they all count as thrifting in my book! If YOU find some cool stuff, tell us about in the comments, we'd love to hear about it! 
Stay tuned for next week's installment, "How to Shop at a Thrift Store: Accessories!"


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