Monday, February 4, 2013

Caitlin's Outfit of the Week #1!

Hi everyone! The first couple of days of the week are a real drag. Back to the work and school grindstone. But Rose and I are here to make it a little more bearable. We're kicking off a new weekly series (hence the name), "Outfit of the Week!" We'll both be taking one our favorite outfits from our closet and giving you some inspiration to make your own outfits. I'll start us off this week with one of my favorite outfits I've put together.

In this outfit I started with a purple flowing blouse and paired it with a gray leopard print cardigan. I'm also wearing cuffed skinny jeans and ruffled flats. 
For accessories I added a key necklace and also layered several bracelets.

Close-up of the necklace
Close-up of the bracelets

I hope you guys enjoyed my outfit! Happy Monday!



  1. Whenever I see Caitlin she always looks Soooooo adorable!!!!!! I wish I had her style!!!!

    1. Too true! I don't usually have time to go shopping because of all the school I have. So, usually I end up going places (except church) in a T-shirt and jeans. I find it amazing how people have so much time! I wish I had that much time!

    2. What an amazing girl! ;)
